Everything Lorde does is unexpected and mysterious. Her single “Royals,” and her EP “Pure Heroine,” became an international sensation that could be heard everywhere from Brooklyn to Berlin. The...
Things could get worse in a second. A pigeon might see the your head and use it for target practice. You could find a co-worker you don’t really like during your commute and be stuck in conversational limbo for th...
Remember those disembodied talking heads in Futurama? Here’s a quick reminder in case you forgot… Well, Emma Watson’s floating head has been giving advice to New Yorkers for just 2 bucks per nugget of...
“Honey, I think that painting is moving…” This is a phrase commonly uttered by frightened guests of haunted castles or magicians at Hogwarts. But now, art aficionados are getting in on the moving pain...
“I’m ready for my close-up!” said the raccoon as it was launched through the air straight to the curb. This photo of a fabulous raccoon getting kicked out of an NYC beauty salon by an NYPD officer is m...
Everybody’s got problems, yes. But NYC problems are on another level. Although each New Yorker manages to make their own, individual, beautiful and unique problems, there are certain situations that ALL New Yorker...
Step into the shoes of any New Yorker and you’ll realize a day in NYC has all the elements of a blockbuster hit. There can be a bit of adventure, some drama, some action, some romance, and after the romance usuall...
Go ahead and ask the next person you see”What is the best city in the world?” If you hear “New York” for an answer, you’ve either stumbled into a proud New Yorker (very probable if you live...
Living in New York City is expensive. Now, we are sure that’s not news to any of you. But just how expensive is living in NYC? We’ve looked up some apartments in our beloved city, and compared them with the...
According to the latest data, Hilary Clinton is ahead in the polls. Now, you may feel “yay”, “meh”, or “ugh” about that. But a group of New Yorkers have organized a peculiar way of ce...