
Rob Grams

Rob is a New York obsessed super-geek. When he's not in front of a computer writing for SecretNYC, he's on his cellphone trying to avoid eye-contact with the world in general.

Culture Things To Do

Could This Be The End Of Yellow Cabs?

How are our cabs doing? Well, there has been a 9% drop in taxi trips from this time last year, but don’t be too alarmed. According to data published by the city’s Taxi and Limousine Commission our beloved yellow c...

Culture Things To Do

Trump Banned From Speaking To The NYPD

Late last week a representative from the Trump campaign asked police commissioner Bill Bratton if the presidential hopeful could address officers at athe 3pm roll call in NYPD Midtown North Precinct. The request comes h...

Things To Do

5 Unique Experiences In NYC You Can’t Miss

There is always something going on in NYC: Popups, clubs, rooftops… Sadly, if you are anything like me, you probably find your self doing the same three activities every weekend… some of those activities may even...



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