Even if you’ve been here for several months, you still might not quite understand some things about the city. Here are the answers to all the questions you’re probably too embarrassed to ask: 1. Is it...
Valentine’s day is coming up, which means it’s time for all the single people to brood over their single-ness. Here are 25 thoughts every single New Yorker has on Valentine’s day: 1. It’s...
You may think that you’re an expert New Yorker, but we’re willing to bet there’s a lot you still don’t know about this city. Here are 10 things you’ve probably never heard: 1. The li...
You may have heard that manholes are exploding all over the city, and those explosions are causing earthquake-like rumbles and sonic booms. When the 300 pound covers blow off, they can fly up to 50 feet. Though no civil...
New Yorkers love snow days—that is, before we get sick of the snow. Here are all the things every city-goer does when we get a blizzard: 1. Sleep in 2. Open the curtains and get back into bed 3. Watch the…...
There’s a nor’easter headed our way this weekend, which will bring us our first real snow this winter. If you’ve never experienced a nor’easter before, here’s everything you need to do to prepare for it: 1. Go to...
Weekends are always a welcome occasion in the city that never sleeps. Here are 17 things every New Yorker does on a day off: 1. Wake up at 7:30 because you forgot to turn your alarm off 2. Go back to sleep until&...
A new year always comes with abundant opportunities to make the city a better place. But how likely is it that these changes will actually happen? 1. A Solution To Homelessness [Todd Shaffer/Flickr] Commuters can...
Governor Andrew Cuomo is pushing for big changes to the public transportation system in NYC. Most of the updates will be welcome, but we might have to go through hell in order to get there. Here’s everything you need to...
New York City produces a ridiculous amount of pollution, be it air pollution, water pollution, or light pollution. But as a New Yorker, there are little things you can do to make the world a little cleaner. Here...