With an earthquake and solar eclipse, I think we’ve had enough from nature for the moment. But after what was deemed the warmest winter in more than a century, we can’t help but wonder what this summer season holds. Lucky for us, The Old Farmer’s Almanac and NOAA have given us some answers.
It’s hard to imagine a hotter summer than last year’s record breaking temperatures that made it the Earth’s hottest summer since the first global records in 1880. Yet, 2024 summer has a 99% chance of being in the top five warmest on record and one-in-three odds of being warmer than last year, according to The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac Summer Weather Forecast 2024, we could experience some of the hottest temperatures ever recorded! However, that is to say we better get ready for some heavy rain to counter the heat. In fact, most Americans can expect a mix of muggy days with plenty of rain storms on the way. The Southwest is one of the only regions they predict hot and dry weather conditions.
Specifically in the Mid-Atlantic region (Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia), residents “won’t escape from summer’s soaking showers and steamy days.” August in particular will be a wet month for most.
And though today’s temperatures feel like summer is on our front door, when does it officially begin? Summer will actually have its earliest start in 128 years with the summer solstice on June 20, 2024 at 4:51pm EDT. Its arrival will coincide with June’s Strawberry Moon, not to be mistaken for April’s Pink Moon.
So for now, let’s look forward to all the wonderful outdoor activities we can do in NYC this summer.