A stunning “Pink Moon” is expected to illuminate NYC’s skies this month–just in time for spring! Though the moon won’t actually look pink, it will be a stunning view nonetheless.
The Pink Moon is simply the first full moon to shine bright in April this year. It will make its way into the sky on Tuesday, April 23rd, and is expected to reach peak illumination at 7:49pm ET, according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac.
April’s full moon typically corresponds with the first glimpse of springtime blooms, particularly a wildflower native to eastern North America called Phlox subulata, aka “moss pink,” hence referring to this full moon as a “Pink Moon.”
Though, if you catch a glimpse of the full moon right when it rises above the horizon it will have a golden hue!
This moon also happens to be the first full moon of the spring season, meaning it’s also a Paschal Full Moon–the moon that determines what date Easter will fall each year.
If you’re interested in catching a glimpse of this moon shining bright, The Old Farmer’s Almanac suggests you find an open area and watch as the moon rises just above the horizon, at which point it will appear its biggest.
The next full moon afterwards won’t be until May 23rd, 2024, better known as the full Flower Moon.