Queen Bey definitely does not take the subway. But she would sympathize with the struggles of those of us who do. Here are some of the morning NYC commute:
1. Worrying that you forgot your MetroCard. Again.
2. But then realizing that you have it.
3. Getting your swipe on the first try.
4. Then running to make the train.
5. And trying to act cool when you miss it.
6. Sweating while you’re waiting for the next one.
7. And then getting a blast of cool air when you finally get on.
8. When someone is leaning on the pole so no one else can grab onto it.
9. Trying to find some personal space in a crowded car.
10. When someone drops something and has to bend down to pick it up.
11. When you’re holding onto the pole and you know you look good.
12. When the train takes a turn too fast.
13. When you see somebody cute.
14. But then you have to get off at your stop before you can say hello.
15. Trying to get to the door when the car is crowded.
16. When you realize how late you are.
17. So you walk down the platform like you mean it.
18. Then you get winded from your walk up three flights of stairs.
19. But you arrive at work on time!
20. It’s going to be a good day.
Featured image: Kristopher Harris via Flickr