The ban on styrofoam has been in the works since last year, now that its finally being enforced as of this past Monday (July 1). Let’s look into the consequences for the biggest parties it affects:
Since classifying the material as illegal on January 1st, due to its non bio-degradability, businesses were informed that they would be given six months to make the transition before the law would be seriously enforced. Unsurprisingly, the biggest parties affected by the ban are large food establishments that heavily use styrofoam for take out boxes, cups, etc. Significant changes in switching to more recyclable materials, like paper, have become increasingly apparent and widespread over the course of the past six months.
As of July 1st, the fines include $250 for first time offenses, $500 for second time and $1,000 for anything above a third time. Considering the recent changes in committing to a more environmentally friendly city, such as the ban on single-use plastic bags / plastics, the Green New Deal and declaring a Climate Emergency, it’s no wonder that styrofoam, one of the hardest materials to recycle, was included in the cut. NYC currently stands as the largest city to ban the use of styrofoam, followed by San Diego, Seattle and Washington, DC.