Uncle Tetsu, a popular Japanese bakery, will soon bring their airy cheesecakes to New York City.
The bakery will be located near Bryant Park at 135 West 41st Street; and according to Commercial Observer, a seven-year lease has already been signed for the 1,000-square-foot space. Until now, the closest thing NYC had to these spongy cakes were Keki Modern Cakes—the Taiwanese bakery best known in the city for having the “jiggliest cheesecakes.”
Once open, this will be the first Uncle Tetsu location in NYC. However, they do have locations in California, Hawai’i, Canada and around the world. They are currently in 14 countries with opening coming soon in another three countries. In a statement made by Peter Braus of Lee & Associates NYC, Uncle Tetsu is “known for hours-long lines at its bakeries around the world.” They expect the bakery to have the same affect in New York, as it has across the world.
A Chinese noodle shop is also expected to open within the next few months in the same building, next to Uncle Tetsu.
featured image source: Instagram / @uncletetsu_us