If you’re on the hunt for a little extra greenery in your day, this map from the NYC Parks Department shows where every single tree on NYC streets is planted.
The NYC Street Tree Map is the “the world’s most accurate and detailed map of a city’s street trees.” The trees were first mapped by a team of volunteers in 2015, and now is updated every day by the Park Forestry team. There are 692,892 trees mapped all over the city!
Here they are broken down by borough (Queens comes in the lead):
- Queens: 246,754
- Brooklyn: 181,230
- Staten Island: 110,287
- The Bronx: 89,240
- Manhattan: 65,381
You can click into each borough and see stats including the most common species and ecological benefits. Then you can click into each neighborhood, and then each street, and then each individual tree (including a street view from Google Maps)! The areas with more trees are colored a deeper green, and each tree is marked by circle, which represents the size of the tree’s diameter.
It’s the perfect time to explore the map as many trees are blossoming and “leafing out.” You can even mark your “favorites” to keep track.
Whether you’re going for a quick walk or want to know the trees outside your window a little bit better, you can see every tree’s personal profile!
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featured image source: New York City Street Tree Map