The Egg House is coming to NYC next month, and it’ll be six colorful and immersive rooms completely dedicated to eggs.
The multi-sensory experience takes you on a journey of what it’s like to be an egg, named Ellis, in NYC. The Egg House is his home in the Lower East Side and will include six rooms: The Foyer, The Kitchen, The Garden, The Pool, and The Secret Room. (They say Ellis works “at a modest restaurant to keep the big dream alive,” but he must have a side gig because this LES house is pretty massive for NYC standards!)
That said, the artists behind The Egg House — a young group who’ve graduated from NYU, Parsons, SVA, and Pratt with background in art, interior design, and marketing — want the house to be “a place where we can come together and celebrate our dreams & aspirations and see what great things New York City has in store.” As the story explains, “New York City is the playground to find yourself but coming to a new place with dreams sometimes can feel lonely.”
The bright house will certainly have plenty of photo ops, with a candy pool, an egg swing in the bizarre garden, a larger-than-life egg carton in the kitchen, and a “speakeasy” surprise room.
While there you’ll be able to nibble on items from Egg Shop and Eggloo! The gift shop will also feature all sorts of “eggcessories” for purchase.
Tickets will become available on Thursday, March 15, and the event will run from April 7 through June 27 at 195 Chrystie Street. Follow their wild egg-obsessed instagram account, and find out more about “eggventure” Ellis is on, here.
Feautred image source: Courtesy of The Egg House