Yesterday, New Yorkers (who were lucky enough to look out their windows) witnessed a truly magical sight: a stunning double rainbow on the 22nd anniversary of 9/11.
It occurred a bit after 6 p.m., just after some scattered showers hit in the area. The beautiful double rainbow extended from the One World Trade Center to the Empire State Building.
Sure, we’ve seen a few unforgettable double rainbows in NYC before, but last night’s timing made the sight extra special. New Yorkers took the phenomenon as a symbol of strength and hope over our city.
Though there’s nothing like it in person (so hopefully you got to see it!), here are some of the most stunning moments of Monday’s double rainbow captured by New Yorkers on film:
And if you continued to look outside last night, you were sure to catch the annual Tribute in Lights, in addition to numerous landmarks lit blue to commemorate the anniversary.