Spaghetti Donut’s are officially this year’s novelty food sensation, but what are they? Where did they come from? What do NYers really think about them? Here’s the low-down.
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When Smorgasburg returned this weekend we all battened down the hatches in preparation for a million food Instagrams and this year’s “Ramen-Burger” novelty food sensation. Well, it didn’t take long for us all to realize that this year’s foodie obsession would be the “Spaghetti Donut” …but that left a lot of us asking:
The Spaghetti Donut, developed by Pop Pasta, is based on a Neapolitan Spaghetti Pie, also known as a “frittata di spaghetti.” In their own words:
In the Neapolitan tradition the spaghetti pie is a dish prepared with pasta leftovers combined with eggs and cheese and then fried. Traditionally the spaghetti are formed into large round pies and cut into slices. – Pop Pasta’s website,
So it’s based on a traditional Italian dish, but does that make it a legit meal or fast food, and more importantly:
Confusion aside the savory treat has inspired what can only be described as addiction
…and, let’s just say… not so positive coverage:
Featured image source [pop_pasta]