Could the L train get any more messed up? Apparently that answer is a hard YES.
There’s always something strange happening on the subway, but this week the oddity seemed to be an immaculately dressed Pennywise from Stephen King’s novel “It” terrorizing the subway and repeating the infamous line to straphangers: “We all float down here”. Ok, terrorizing may be extreme considering no one seems at all phased by the interaction—leave it to New Yorkers to not even bat an eye in the face of crazy! He may have also gotten lucky that he didn’t run into anyone with coulrophobia (a fear of clowns)…but that definitely would’ve made for a more dramatic video.
The man behind the makeup is magician Alejandro Torres who was apparently coming back from a late shoot for a magic video he was planning to release soon. And while the viral video shows commuters laughing or looking the other way, according to an interview with the New York Post, Torres said that when he first boarded the car “everybody was freaked out.”
Leave it to Subway Creatures to curate all of the ridiculous subway shenanigans and encounters that are constantly happening down below.
featured image source: Instagram / Subway Creatures