A baby peregrine falcon is about to hatch at 55 Water St, and you can watch it live!
Adele and Frank, the peregrine falcon couple who have made their home on the 14th-floor perch at 55 Water St, are expecting a young chick soon. This isn’t their first baby, they have nested and hatched chicks for a few years now, and every glorious moment of it has been captured for posterity on the “Falcon Cam” live stream.
If you are reading this late, don’t fear, Adele’s chick is only the first this year (the egg was laid on March 29), and there will probably be more to come. Past years have seen as many as three little falcon fur-balls.
Check out the live stream below and welcome a new baby New Yorker!
Featured image source [Flickr | West Midlands Police]