Micheal Moore, Alec Baldwin, Cher, Mayor de Blasio, Mark Ruffalo, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rosie Perez, Shailene Woodley, Robert DeNiro andNatalie Merchant were just some of the recognizable faces at the gigantic Anti-Trump rally yesterday.
Here are some highlights from the event:
A photo posted by Daniel Kaufman (@iamdankaufman) on
Adding my little voice to the rally of the people against this human and all he stands for. ✊?
A photo posted by rebecca eyre (@otherwisedelightful) on
A video posted by Drena DeNiro (@thedreendrena) on
A photo posted by Jessica Starr✨ (@starr_power_grrrl) on
Through love & dignity we stand against hate #WeStandUnited #NYC
A video posted by Chris Sheffield (@chris__sheffield) on
A photo posted by Maite (@maitehmateo) on
#westandunited #trumptower #resistance #columbuscircle
A photo posted by danjaz1 (@danjaz1) on
#100daysofresistance call Congress at 202-225-3121 #westandunited
A video posted by Catherine Stackpole (@catherinestackpole) on
Featured image source [Kashi Mai Somers | instagram]