Upstate New York and New York City are two very, very different worlds. Sometimes, they don’t even feel like the same state! And as much as city dwellers are guilty for talking behind Upstate locals’ backs (“they aren’t true New Yorkers”), we know they are saying a few things when we’re not looking, too.
“Our towns are just so much…prettier!”
Upstate New Yorkers definitely look down upon our lack of clean sidewalks and the fact that a “great view” is one of a bunch of buildings. They’ve got the Adirondacks… they kind of win in that whole natural beauty thing.
“You guys are so rude.”
To be fair, we need that tough exterior to deal with the subway every day. But we know you don’t understand and just see us as cold, callous workaholics. Now stop walking so slow!
“Whole Foods? Please. We have Wegman’s.”
Ok. fair point. But we have easily hundreds of more take out options!
“We have the REAL New York NFL team.”
You know even though the Buffalo Bills hardly win, they still think them truer than the Jets & Giants who jumped over to Jersey to play.
“You guys think 12 inches of snow is a lot? Pssh, babies.”
Yes, yes we are babies. We see 5 snowflakes and call out of work because otherwise, we’re probably going to get trapped on the above ground N train, ok?!