When New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, posted a tweet boasting about Audi’s autonomous vehicles on the highways of NYC, twitter had some harsh words for him… and they didn’t hold back.
Remember the heady days of yore when Twitter was a social network and not just a platform for politicians to embarrass themselves? Ahhh, yeah, those were the days.
When Governor Cuomo decided it was time to brag about Autonomous Vehicles on the streets of our great state, New York City’s Twitter-users took it as an opportunity to refocus the governor’s attention. Here is tweet posted by Cuomo that caused the fuss:
A major milestone unlocked: Today @Audi performed New York State’s first autonomous vehicle demonstration. pic.twitter.com/B5jWPgNFmH
— Andrew Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo) June 13, 2017
There are LITERALLY hundreds of versions of the phrase “Fix the Subway,” so we’ll include one and move on to some more creative responses… (just in case you don’t believe us, check for yourself here)
— Amanda Duarte (@duarteamanda) June 13, 2017
There… but Twitter isn’t all about straightforward demands, here are some clever variations on the theme:
How about you fix a car that needs a driver…that hauls 100s of people at a time? It’s called a subway car. Have you ever been in one?
— Steve Reynolds (@reynoldstop20) June 14, 2017
a major milestone for all New Yorkers would be you actually caring about the subways
— Max RN (@MaxRivlinNadler) June 14, 2017
Wow, I am so looking forward to Audi’s new subway cars
— [howling into void] (@jamesfacts) June 14, 2017
Fix the fucking subway. Note: fix does not mean “add wireless” it means “make sure we don’t suffocate”
— IT Superfood (@melbacoast) June 14, 2017
Hey Showboat, how about you get yourself to Penn Station and tell the throngs of irate crowds how cool your Audi is. Also, FIX THE SUBWAY.
— Adam (@adamwass) June 14, 2017
You know what used to be another good way to get around without driving? THE SUBWAY. #FixTheSubway
— Krissa ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (@petithiboux) June 14, 2017
Your father would have fixed the subway. Bummer we got the wrong Cuomo! pic.twitter.com/Z8sqntw1XJ
— macartney (@macartney) June 14, 2017
Cool…. Our public transportation system is broken and you’re doing nothing
— eve peyser (@evepeyser) June 14, 2017
The subway is a mess, the city we love is becoming unlivable, and it’s your fault. Fix the subway. #FixTheSubway FIX THE SUBWAY.
— Travis R. Eby (@travis_robert) June 14, 2017
A major milestone unlocked: Today @NYGovCuomo affirmed his affection for four-wheeled climate-killers and apathy toward NYC. Fix the subway.
— John Maher (@JohnHMaher) June 14, 2017
…and after literally hundreds of tweet’s saying “Fix the Subway,” of course, this:
Has anyone mentioned fixing the subways yet?
— Man Bartlett (@man) June 15, 2017
We have seriously only scratched the surface here, the responses run the gambit between humor, pleading, and venomous anger. A message was sent, loud and clear, whether it will be heard is another matter entirely.
Featured image source [Flickr | Shinya Suzuki]