The story of this restauranteur will restore your faith in humanity …but don’t be fooled, his motivations aren’t purely altruistic, he just found great beta testers.
If you’re a member of NYC’s growing vegan community then no doubt you’ve heard of VSPOT, a restaurant that offers vegan-friendly Latin American food. VSPOT’s owner, Danny Carabano, has taken it upon himself to teach his staff members English using techniques he learned while teaching himself Spanish.
Carabano was a Brooklyn-based high school math teacher, so imparting lessons is nothing new for this enterprising restauranteur. Having taught himself Spanish using immersion methods, he is taking his experience, along with some of his own linguistic research, and creating a system for learning English …and his Spanish-speaking kitchen are the guinea pigs.
Carabano calls his method The Cyrano Language School and hopes to roll it out to paying clients and other languages in the future. Until he does, the staff at VSPOT are benefitting immensely.
Check out this offer for a vegan organic brunch with mimosas for two at VSPOT to see how well his staff has mastered the language so far!
Featured image source [thevspotrestaurant]