It seems that the word “Millennial” has gone from a descriptor of a generation to a negative connotation over the years. They’re seen as lazy, self-centered and owed the world. But that just can’t be true for the Millennials who live in New York, right? Here are things only Millennial New Yorkers do.
● They lie about the subway not running so they can be late for work:
Most people would just own the fact that they woke up late. But not millennials. They would sooner tell their boss the F train exploded rather than own up to it being themselves that cause their 2-hour lateness.
● They work harder than other millennials but like, still not THAT hard:
New York isn’t a city that lets you be lazy. You’re forced to work hard if you want to be able to afford rent AND eat. So millennials here have given in to that notion, but they still won’t work TOO hard or else sully their reputation.
● They have trust-funds:
To counter the ones that work hard, there are the ones that don’t have to. Lucky Timmy has had a trust-fund from his parents so he can afford that sweet Williamsburg loft and be a “starving artist.”
● They think traveling from Queens to Wall St. is “far”:
An hour train ride is long, but some people drive 2+ hours to work. If millennial New Yorkers were ever asked to commute that far, we’d never hear the end of it.