Forget about snowmen because these charming snow sculptures are unbearably cute!
Though New York has been experiencing consistent snowfall this year, artist Heide Hatry has made this winter bear-able for everyone! Over the past few weeks, Hatry has been making her way to Central Park to create the most charming family of snow polar bear sculptures the city has ever seen!
Using props from nearby trash bins, the bears can be seen relaxing in lawn chairs, playing the guitar, and even reading books!
Though the sculptures are surely warming hearts, their message is in response to the constant threat of global warming. One sign reads” Mommy what’s a carbon footprint?” showing a Mama bear and her cub. Other signs read “LET US CHIIL.”
Hatry shared on her Instagram that she mostly works at night and repairs the bears in the morning. At first, no one knew who was behind these lovable bears so New Yorkers titled her, “Snowbanksy,” placing a sign in front of one of the sculptures. In response, Hatry wrote, “I feel honored.”
The installation has been drawing much adoration from passersby as people stop to admire, take photos, and start a conversation about global warming.
Hatry shared on her Instagram that the community has been so supportive. Someone brought her tea while she was working late one night, she was gifted a book, and even interviewed by a student writing about global climate change for her school’s magazine.
But since the sculptures are indeed made of snow, the warming weather won’t let them last forever. So hurry up and get on over to the 86th St entrance of Central Park on the UWS to catch them before they melt!
featured image source: Instagram/ @cynstahgram