You may be able to permanently delete the phrases “fall back” and “spring forward” from your brain!
The U.S. Senate just passed new legislation that would make Daylight Saving Time permanent, which means clocks would stay in their spring…aka those winter nights wouldn’t be quite so dark and dismal.
The “Sunshine Protection Act,” as it’s called, passed unanimously in the Senate, but now has to pass in The House of Representatives. It would then go to President Biden’s desk to sign.
Either way, the new function would not go into the effect until 2023, in order to allow major industries like airlines and broadcasters to give input and adjust accordingly.
Daylight Saving Time was first introduced in 1918, and was implemented throughout the U.S. by the 1960s. The states of Arizona and Hawaii actually don’t follow it, they only practice Standard Time, which they would be able do under this law.
The main reason for the change would be promoting “brighter afternoons and more economic activity,” supporters say.