Stanley Kubrick is one of the most influential directors in cinematic history. His mastery of the lens was apparent as early as 17 years old, as you can see in these candid photos of NYC.
From “2001: Space Odyssey” to “The Shining,” Stanley Kubrick’s legacy in cinema is assured. Kubrick is widely regarded as one of the most influential directors in cinema. But, before he was a cinematic trailblazer he was just like you me; a simple New Yorker trying to make his way in the world.
When he was a teenager, Kubrick worked at Look Magazine where he developed an eye for what worked on camera. You can certainly see the genesis of Kubrick’s signature composition and framing in these shots. What is remarkable is that these photos came from the hands of a 17-year-old. Be in no doubt that Kubrick was a genius, and enjoy NYC Through the Eyes of 17-Year-Old Stanley Kubrick:
Couple, 1940
Stanley Kubrick
Shoe Shine Boy, 1940
Stanley Kubrick
Girl With A Lipstick, 1940
Stanley Kubrick
People On Escalators In A Subway Station, 1940
Stanley Kubrick
Self Portrait With Showgirl Rosemary Williams, 1948
Stanley Kubrick
Student At Columbia University, 1948
Stanley Kubrick
Walking The Streets Of New York, 1946
Stanley Kubrick
High Wire Act, 1948
Stanley Kubrick
Couple Sleeping In A Subway Car, 1940
Stanley Kubrick
Dogs In A Convertible, 1949
Stanley Kubrick
Changing The Tire, 1946
Stanley Kubrick
Shoe Shine Boys (On Fence), 1947
Stanley Kubrick
Students Drawing A Nude Model In An Art Class, 1948, Columbia University