Uncover everything about the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in her very own city!
Former Supreme court Justice and Brooklyn native, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, has been honored across NYC by mural, statue, and now by a new exhibition coming from the New York Historical Society—and it opens today!
The Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg exhibit—based on the successful Tumblr and bestselling book by the same name—began in L.A. by the Skirball Cultural Center and will travel between cities, first opening in New York City starting October 1st, 2021.
The exhibit will take “an expansive and engaging look at the justice’s life and work, highlighting her ceaseless efforts to protect civil rights and foster equal opportunity for all Americans.”
Visitors will be able to view archival photographs and documents, contemporary art, historical artifacts media stations, and interactive galleries of RBG’s life as a wife, mother, student, judge, lawyer, and feminist icon.
“It is a great honor that we celebrate Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a native New Yorker whose impact on the lives of contemporary Americans has been extraordinary,” shared Dr. Louise Mirrer, president and CEO of New-York Historical. “Justice Ginsburg fought hard to achieve justice and equality for all, inspiring us with her courage and tenacity in upholding our fundamental American ideals. A special friend to New-York Historical, in 2018 she presided over a naturalization ceremony in our auditorium. The exhibition is a memorial tribute to her achievements and legacy.”
Visitors will be able to explore 3D re-imaginations of RBG’s childhood Brooklyn apartment, RBG & husband Marty’s home kitchen, along with the desk in her Supreme Court chambers.
Other exhibit highlights include:
- RBG’s Supreme Court wardrobe (robe and jabot)
- Official portraits of RBG and Sandra Day O’Connor
- RBG’s delivery of oral arguments, opinions, and dissents in significant Supreme Court cases broadcasted at listening stations
You’ll even get a feel for what it’s like to step inside the Supreme Court by getting a photo-op in a 3D rendering of the Supreme Court bench!
Where: New York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West, NY
When: October 1, 2021 – January 23, 2022
Learn more about the upcoming exhibit here.