ICYMI: a monster snow storm is headed for NYC and the tri-state area Wednesday into Thursday.
With a foot of snow or more predicted, the NYC Department of Sanitation has already issued a “Snow Alert,” meaning that all snow-clearing workers and equipment are preparing, alternate side parking is suspended, and, new to this year: outdoor street dining will be suspended as well.
According to the announcement, all roadway dining is required to close by 2 p.m. Wednesday, December 16. It has not been announced when they will able to reopen, but from the forecast they believe it will be by Thursday evening or Friday morning — depending on actual accumulations and roadway conditions.
But, it won’t be a simple process.
Though the city is not currently asking restaurants remove any barriers or structures for roadway dining, all electrical heaters in roadways must be removed, tables and chairs should be removed or secured, restaurants should remove any overhead coverings if possible (or continually remove snow piling up in the coverings), and must not push any snow into the street.
And with indoor dining now closed again, restaurants will have limited opportunity for business this week, with just takeout or delivery for some.
featured image source: Instagram / @topthai_55carmine