The saucy NYC Taxi Driver Calendar is here for 2020, and it came as bittersweet news.
The annual calendar release is something that many New Yorkers have grown to look forward to each year, but sadly this year it was also announced that the 2020 NYC Taxi Driver Calendar would be the team’s final one.
However, in spite of this heartbreaking news, the 2020 calendar is certainly one that you can hold onto for many years to come! The cheeky photos also include first-time cover man Sadi, the return of driver-model Derek (who appeared in the first calendar back in 2014), and two (as they say) “kick-a$$” female drivers Arminda and Dorothy, among other ready-to-pose cabbies.
As we’ve mentioned in previous years: It’s sexy, it’s funny, and it does a lot of good for charity. Proceeds from this stocking-filler are donated to University Settlement, an organization that helps over 30,000 immigrants, working individuals, and families with services like education, housing, recreation, wellness opportunities, and literacy programs.
The seventh and final calendar is available now for $14.99, and you can have a sneak peek at the contents below:
Cover: Sadi
January: Hassan
February: Alexander
March: Dorothy
April: Sajjad
May: Darek
June: Augie
July: Nino
August: Alex
September: Arminda
October: Sadi
November: Greg