If there’s one thing to know about a New Yorker, it’s that we’re going to walk, so it wasn’t news to us when we found out NYC is a top most walkable city in the U.S.
GPS says 15 minutes to walk somewhere? Bet. We’ll make it in 5. The walk spans 20 blocks? No worries, piece of cake.
Walking everywhere is simply the culture of NYC, and considering our congestion levels are through the roof, we have the most expensive Ubers out of any U.S. city, and public transport is a whole headache in of itself, it’s not hard to see why.
And, in a new ranking by USA Today, NYC actually ranks as the seventh most walkable city in the U.S.
Though we didn’t need a study to know that.
New York City is one of the ultimate walkable cities. It has plentiful public transportation, but many visitors prefer to explore the city on foot. In fact, several of the city’s landmarks are within easy walking distance from the others, and all five boroughs of the city are walkable.
The ten cities featured in the ranking were chosen by a panel of travel experts and voted as the best by readers for their walkability. But beyond being super walkable, they also offer lots of things to do, places to eat, and places to stay. And, conveniently, they’re all connected by pedestrian-friendly streets.
Being able to walk everywhere allows locals and visitors alike to explore different attractions–these walking tours offer a great day of sightseeing–enjoy the local culture, stay healthy, and especially save some money–which is vital in a city as expensive as ours.
So, what other cities can a New Yorker head to to feel right at home when it comes to exploring the area by foot? The other nine cities that made the list include:
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Long Beach, California
- St. Louis, Missouri
- Minneapolis, Minnesota
- St. Augustine, Florida
- Boston, Massachussetts
- Seattle, Washington
- Chicago, Illinois
- Washington, D.C.
Lucky for us, we already have some friends in Philly, Boston, Chicago, and D.C., so looks like we’ll be paying them a visit soon!
You can see the full ranking here.