COVID-19 vaccines are now on wheels…at least in NYC!
Mayor de Blasio has just announced that NYC will deploy mobile vaccine buses and vans to help reach communities most in need and administer COVID-19 vaccines to them easily and efficiently.
“We’re doing all we can to get as many shots in arms as possible,” he said. “With over 4.6 million doses now administered, we’re going above and beyond to reach every New Yorker, deploying mobile vans and expanding walk-ins to help our city recover one dose at a time.”
These vaccinated vehicles will administer the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, where only one dose is required. The fleet of vehicles will include both buses and vans, with four to six vaccinators each. They will offer 200 vaccine doses per day, staying in each neighborhood one to three days, and community organizations in the area will help people schedule appointments with the vans before they arrive (they will allow walk-up vaccines if there’s availability).
The communities focused on involve those most in need, whether “priority populations” or “neighborhoods identified by the City’s Task Force for Racial Inclusion and Equity as being hardest-hit by the virus and histories of socio-economic disparity.”
The first bus, which went out today (April 6), is aimed toward helping restaurant workers and delivery people, who can schedule appointments by emailing, or by calling 1-833-ROAR-NYC (1-833-762-7692).
featured image source: NYC Mayor’s Office