You don’t have to travel to the middle of nowhere to sink your teeth into extreme sports. Sky diving, hang gliding, Swimming with sharks, it’s all available right here in the city.
Ever had the urge to throw yourself out of an airplane? For recreation, not because you’re baking hot and your train is delayed. If the answer is yes then you’ve come to the right place. New York City isn’t all about rainbow colored confectionary and rooftop cocktails, we have plenty to offer you thrill seekers out there too. Here are some amazing extreme sports you can take part in around NYC.
Shark Diving in Montauk
If you ever wanted to stare into the lifeless beady eyes of something that sees you as insignificant, you no longer have to go to the DMV. Now you can experience the excitement and warm water of shark cage diving in Montauk. The Sea Turtle will take you 15-30 miles south of Long
Island where warm waters from the gulf stream bring an array of life during the summer months. Sharks, (mako and blue) mahi-mahi,
tuna, whales, ocean sunfish, porpoise and of course sea turtles are among the creatures you could see on a cage trip. Prices are set at $275 per person.
Fly High Hang Gliding
Imagine sailing through the air with nothing between you and the ground but the cloth equivalent of a paper airplane. If that doesn’t sound immediately horrifying then you might enjoy Hang Gliding with Fly High. Boasting some 40 years of experience, this father and son founding team offer hang gliding lessons and sessions for everyone from amateurs to experts. Introductory lessons are $250 with all instruction, equipment, and necessary items for the lesson provided.
Long Island Skydiving Center
I can’t count a number of times NYC has made me want to throw myself from a height, or at least throw someone else. Now there’s a way you can do it without the inevitability of prosecution and death. Specializing in TANDEM skydiving, Long Island Skydiving is well respected in the industry as being the most experienced skydivers in the world… or at least that is what it says on the website, and if it’s on the internet it MUST be true, right?
Monticello Motor Club
Howe Caverns
Featured image source [flyhighhg]