The city that never sleeps attracts new residents everyday, which is why it’s one of the most dense cities in the USA. With a population of 8.6 million inhabiting a total area of 300 square miles, demand is high and NYC’s reputation of expensive rent continues to proceed it.
LE 1 & 2 by Graham Hill
Canadian designer, environmentalist and creator, Graham Hill is known for his minimal lifestyle and public talks about learning to live with less. He started playing around with small living spaces back in 2010 when he bought two units in Soho and began a competition to see who could come up with the best design to transform the dated apartments. He eventually released two projects; LifeEdited 1 & 2, recognised for their space saving components such as moving walls, transformable furniture and couch-cubes. Rent of these micro apartments isn’t cheap, with about 302 square feet costing $2,750 a month… definitely not for those that are trying to live affordably, but might be worth it for those that could swing it and don’t need a massive space?
Studio Apartment Tour
The video below shows a 240 square foot studio with a monthly rent of $500. Located in an old building from 1918, the owner tried to spice it up with a modern twist and elements that make a small space seem bigger. Although $500 isn’t necessarily that “cheap” by other cities’ standards, it’s quite hard to come by in NYC (if you want to live alone).
Microstudio, Upper West Side
Robert Garneu microstudio for 6 people
Similar to LE1 & 2, architect Robert Garneau utilised the moving wall concept in order to transform this studio into a place that can sleep up to 6 people and seat 10! The modern design makes the small space super bright and actually quite inviting!
featured image: Christopher Testani for LifeEdited.