At his press conference this morning (April 24), Governor Cuomo shared a heartfelt letter he received from a farmer in Kansas, and it’s quite a tear-jerker.
The man sent his one spare N95 mask to the governor and asked it be given to a NYC nurse or doctor fighting the virus. Cuomo shared the story in a moment when he was emphasizing how this situation will truly bring out the best and the worst in people. While some people will break your heart, he says, others will astound and inspire you, as this farmer did for him.
“This is humanity at its best,” he said. “I share his letter as inspiration.”
Here is what the letter said (typed out underneath):
Dear Mr. Cuomo,
I seriously doubt that you will ever read this letter as I know you are busy beyond belief with the disaster that has befallen our country. We currently are a nation in crisis, of that there is no doubt. Your approach has been spot-on correct. I commend you for that and especially for telling the truth, something that has been sorely lacking as of late.
I am a retired farmer hunkered down in N.E. Kanas with my wife who has but one lung and occasional problems with her remaining lung. She also has diabetes. We are in our 70’s now and frankly I am afraid for her.
Enclosed you will find a solitary N-95 mask left over from my farming days. It has never been used. If you could, would you please give this mask to a nurse or doctor in your city? I have kept four masks for my immediate family. Please keep on doing what you do so well, which is to lead.
Sincerely, Dennis & Sharon