As people find comfort in being outdoors, we’re excited to report that autumn is expected to start showing its colors earlier than usual this year.
The kick off to colder months are normally met with bittersweet goodbyes to the sweltering summer in the city. However, this year New Yorkers may be more excited than ever before. Foliage expert and former meteorologist, Jim Salge, told USA Today that though typical peak foliage occurs mid-October, the leaves may reach their peak by the end of this month! So prepare to schedule your fall festivities soon, because while the colors will be brilliant, the changing leaves may be short-lived.
There are two potential forecasts for this autumn, Salge explains. With foliage dependent on temperature and moisture, this premature season is uncertain. According to his predictions, the east coast will either experience a longer, muted autumn, or a short but bright season of colors. However, since the New England area is experiencing a drought, the latter seems more likely as leaves will dry out quicker than in previous years.
So prepare to turn a new leaf in the chapter of 2020 as we welcome the comfort of bright leaves, warm sweaters, and pumpkin flavored everything!
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