Prepare to see a series of gigantic, playful pups line the streets of the Garment District in Will Kurtz’s Newest Exhibit Doggy Bags.
The Garment District Alliance (GDA) and the New York City Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Art Program teamed up to bring an adorable public art exhibit featuring the work of New York artist, Will Kurtz.
Beginning September 17th through November 20th, Doggy Bags will appear throughout the Garment District Space running between 38th and 40th Streets. This fun-filled exhibit features six breeds of dogs sculpted at four times their normal scale! These dogs include Stanley, basset hound; Maisy, pug; Harriet, english bulldog; Spicy, chihuahua; Daphne, vizsla; and Gomer, bull mastiff.
Each colorful sculpture speaks to the personality of the individual breed.
“We know these beautiful sculptures – made with all recycled materials – will bring positivity, comfort and joy among visitors, and we encourage all to stop by and enjoy the exhibition this fall,” said Barbara A. Blair, president of the Garment District Alliance. “All of the sculptures are constructed with recycled single-use plastic bags and duct tape over steel armatures. The materials used to create these oversized canine companions serve as a reminder to recycle and of the absurdity of waste.”
In addition to the exhibit, GDA encourages New Yorkers, alongside their doggy companions, to return to the neighborhood throughout the month as part of the “bark run” on Broadway between 40th and 41st Streets.
The GDA has been improving the quality of life of Manhattan’s Garment District for over 20 years while DOT Art has produced over 300 temporary artworks citywide within the past 12 years. Consequently, the two organizations work in harmony to enhance public plazas as welcoming spaces for New Yorkers and visitors alike with art instillations and exhibits.
As a result, this newest project of theirs will not only bring joy to passersby but continue to raise awareness of the need to recycle and better our planet one giant dog sculpture at a time!
In other news: A 5,000-Pound Gorilla Statue Has Taken Over Hudson Yards
featured image source: Alexandre Ayer/Diversity Pictures for the Garment District Alliance