As bids for New York’s downstate casino licenses are still awaiting final decisions, Thor Equities proposal for a Coney Island casino is facing new obstacles after a majority of the vote by Community Board 13 opposed their land use application.
To clarify, the 24-11 vote wasn’t against the construction of the casino itself, but a rejection of the proposed land use. The developer’s application asks for partial closure of Bowery Street and air rights over current buildings to make way for “The Coney,” the $3 billion investment that wouldn’t just include the casino, but a variety of restaurants and entertainment as well.
Though the CB13 vote won’t determine whether or not Coney Island will receive one of the three casino licenses available, the more public support the better.
Each proposal requires the review and a two-thirds majority vote of a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) to move forward. Only once the CAC shows sufficient support and reaches a majority vote can the project move on to the Gaming Facility Location Board for approval.
Moreover, The Coney is still in competition with other NYC bids, including MGM Resorts International’s Empire City Casino in Yonkers and Caesars Entertainment, Roc Nation and SL Green’s Caesars Palace Times Square.
Explore more renderings of The Coney now. Plus, you can learn more about NYC’s casino future on Secret NYC.