Every day, the digital world influences our daily lives here in the real world. The immersive installation, SCREENs, opening tomorrow at The Cell performance art theater, explores the ways in which screens affect ourselves in the natural world.
“SCREENs: The Installation” is a multimedia, immersive art installation making use of “living pictures” that seek to give visitors the space to explore the dissociation between their physical and digital selves. The exhibition establishes the need to unite and create balance between these two selves in order to fully realize our inner dreams. Cause let’s face it, we all know that the perception of ourselves that we exhibit on social media tends to be our perfect/Instagram life-selves and not always 100% sincere.
According to the artist,
“the exhibition gives visitors a look into how the “powers that be” attempt to craft our individual identities and retain power through our basic, given consent therefore inhibiting our ability to connect these two selves, which is our right. We, internet users and TV viewers, chose to watch the content that runs through advertisements, talk shows, and pop-up windows.”
The idea for SCREENS came from the personal experience of the artist and her interactions and those of her friends and family consenting to an imbalanced relationship with screens. The exhibit is set to explore our relationship to technology, specifically how we present ourselves online and how that relates to our interactions and identities offline.
Where: 338 W 23rd St
When: August 1- 2, 7 pm- 10 pm
Price: Free
More info: her website.