This year marks the second year of this literary city-wide initiative. The Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment is asking New Yorkers to cast their vote for the book they would like to read with their fellow city dwellers.
For the rest of the month of April, you can vote for one of these five books that we will read together by clicking here. The winning book will be announced on May 3rd. Then the city will get reading and conversations about the book will later be hosted both online and at book clubs in libraries across the five boroughs.
The initiative mimics similar plans that have been put in place in other cities across the world. The Commissioner to the Office of Media and Entertainment, Julie Menin explained that the choices for the book club were made after the city consulted with literary leaders throughout the city “seeking stories reflecting New York City’s rich history, diverse neighborhoods, and resilient people.”
If you’re having trouble making a decision about which book to vote for, you can give a quick listen to this clip of WNYC’s The Brian Lehrer Show in which he has a conversation with the authors.
You can follow the voting process online by following the hashtag, #onebookny and make sure you cast your vote here!
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