If you’re anything like us you’ve been on a ton of crappy first dates. From awkward Tinder encounters to escape-via-the-bathroom-window type affairs. NYC isn’t an easy place to meet the love of your life my any means. Here is what will likely be your next crappy first date, expressed exclusively in Star Wars gifs:
Finally, you get back from work via GIPHY
Time to prepare for your big date… it’s been a long day, but maybe you can just go out as you are… via GIPHY
…ewww! No, you better take a second to get ready via GIPHY
That’s better! If you leave now you should hit the subway in time and get there early! via GIPHY
Dammit! The train is delayed! via GIPHY
Ok ok, we’re here, try not to look out of breath… There they are. via GIPHY
Oh dear, they don’t seem too impressed with how late you are
Quick! Say something nice! via GIPHY
They’re texting with someone the whole time… Is it another suitor? Are they bored? They lean in and tell you… via GIPHY
Oh, thank God …maybe you should turn on the charm via GIPHY
They put their phone away and talking! Success! via GIPHY
Well, the conversation wasn’t too bad. You leave the restaurant and try to hold their hand, but they’re all like… via GIPHY
Hmm… Maybe ask if they want to meet up again via GIPHY
Dammit! Let’s just catch the subway home… wait a minute! Is that them??? via GIPHY
…I guess they weren’t chatting with their brother after all. via GIPHY