Newsflash: Dating in NYC is hard. Whether spoiled for choice of paralyzed by it there are somethings we’ve all said and done while dating in this crazy city… maybe this list will explain why dating in NYC sometimes feels so much like The Hunger Games.
1. Made the decision to move in with your bae earlier that you normally would just to save money on rent.
2. Left a first date because “OMG! Something just came up, I’m so sorry…” roughly translated as “I think I’d rather just eat a slice of pizza and watch Game of Thrones than hang out with you.”
3. You’ve drunkenly climbed up your sketchy fire escape at 2am to to impress your date with a sub-par view of the Manhattan skyline from your roof.
4. Picked up or ordered food on the way home and told your date that you made it.
5. Dating someone who lives off the G train feels like they’re in Siberia so you set Tinder settings to one mile.
6. Taken a cross-borough Uber at night because sex.
7. Avoided eye-contact with your apartment neighbors in case they could hear you having sex.
Featured image source [citynetmagazine]