New York City is widely regarded as one of the cultural capitals of the world, yet too many of its residents lack regular and affordable access to quality arts programming, especially in the current political climate of slashing funding for the arts. Redressing this balance is the principal mission Sing For Hope, an NYC-based arts nonprofit.
From June 5 to the 25th Sing For Hope will once again be installing beautifully painted pianos in public areas across the city in all of the five boroughs. This year there will be 60 instruments to spot and play. The artist-designed pianos this year feature some big names, check some of them out below:
Comedian – Kate McKinnon
The Broadway cast of “The Lion King”
To mark the launch of this years Sing For Hope Pianos, on June 5, there will be a day-long celebration of pop-up performances at 28 Liberty Plaza… the rest of the month YOU will have to provide the music.
Featured image source [facebook | Singforhope]