The city moans and groans when we have to get out our umbrellas, but for some of us, rainy days are the highlight of the month. Here are 21 reasons why rainy days in NYC are the absolute best:
1. Having the park all to yourself
2. A short line at your favorite food truck
3. Wearing your chic raincoat
4. Looking at the river when you take the subway across the Manhattan or Williamsburg Bridge
5. You have an excuse to order delivery
6. You have an excuse to stay in
7. Or you can browse indoor events on the Fever app
8. It’s a great day to go to a museum
9. Or to the library
10. The satisfaction of splashing in a puddle wearing rain boots
11. The satisfaction of changing into dry clothes at the end of the day
12. Not needing your sunglasses
13. All the great photo opps
14. You can run and not have to shower afterwards
15. You can offer to share your umbrella with the cute guy/gal who forgot theirs
16. Skyscrapers seem taller when you can’t see the top of them
17. The smell of rain cleanses that Manhattan burning garbage smell
18. The hope that the city might get a little cleaner
19. The soothing pitter patter sound on your window counteracts the stress-inducing police sirens
20. You miiiiiiiight get a break from the humidity
21. You might see a rainbow
Cover photo credit: Jazz Guy/Flickr