There are only a few days until the morale-sucking-hellscape that is Valentine’s day in NYC. Being single isn’t easy at this time of year, but it can be if you follow some simple rules. Here are some Valentine’s “Dos and Don’ts” to help you get through the day¨:
1. Treat yourself!
There’s nothing like some retail therapy to curb those valentines blues. Get your hair done, maybe some new clothes, treat yourself the way you want to be treated by a special someone!
2. Go work out!
Being single on valentines is all about massaging your self-esteem. Head to the gym, get your sweat on, feel good about yourself. Simple!
If gyms aren’t your thing, here are some other options in the city that fall around the 14th:
3. Take in some comedy
There are more than just a few shows in the city:
If they don’t grab you, there’s always Netflix!
4. Post a selfie
Let’s not pretend we’re to good for that little ego boost you get when the “likes” start pouring in on a selfie. TREAT YOURSELF! Strap on that glamorous “Blue Steel” and take a selfie.
5. Do whatever you want …like, literally …anything …being single is GREAT!
While all the couples out there are doing the obligatory chocolates, flowers or dinner, you get to do whatever the hell you like. Wear sweatpants all day, give your number to a cute guy/gal, eat a pint of ice cream …free from societal obligation you can literally do anything. CONGRATULATIONS!
Watch romantic movies
What you gonna do? Stick on The Notebook and cry yourself to sleep! NO NO NO!
Get drunk and text your ex
We’re not saying don’t get drunk, we’re saying don’t drink dial/text your ex! Assign a designated texter if necessary.
Hangout with your single friends and do nothing but talk about how much being single sucks
Don’t be one of the bitter crowd, moaning and whining about your sucky single status. “Being single rocks”, let that be your Valentine’s day mantra.
Creep your ex’s Facebook
Why??? I feel you, we’ve all been there, but you’re heading down a rabbit hole of mystery. Stop.
Lower your standards!
Just because it’s Valentine’s Day, it doesn’t mean you have to settle for going out on a date with a cave troll… Swipe left. Do it!