NYC is full of some pretty incredible speakeasies, but sometimes we’d like to swap out the tequila for something a bit more *healthy,* and this wellness speakeasy is making that possible.
Dubbed as a “social wellness” space Elahni, which is “inhale” spelled backwards, was co-founded by Keane Tan and Nick Rizk and is the first of its kind in the city.
Upon entering, the windowless, four-hundred-square-foot space exudes calming and serene vibes, though you’ll quickly be taken out of your comfort zone and thrust into a full body experience that completely realigns your nervous system.
Combining wellness with socialization, the space features signature Temperature Contrast sessions, an ancient Nordic practice that involves an intentional journey between deliberate heat and cold exposure. During the sessions members are guided through three alternating rounds of 185º Finnish sauna heat and 40º ice baths.
According to their Instagram, “a series of changes take place within the nervous system upon deliberate cold exposure. Meeting stress intentionally creates a coordinated response throughout the body and mind in order to return to a naturally calm, balanced state.”
The phases of deliberate cold exposure are outlined below:
At Elahni you’ll first spend about 10-15 minutes in the sauna before rinsing off quickly, taking a few deep breaths, and lowering yourself into the ice bath. It’s up to you and your body how long you stay in the bath for, but they say 3 minutes is the sweet spot.
In our experience it’s tough to regulate your breathing at first, though either Tan or Rizk will be standing close by to help guide you through it.
Pro tip: we found that closing our eyes made it much easier, plus the cold temperatures do get much more bearable with each consecutive round.
Beyond the Temperature Contrast sessions, Elahni also sets the tone for an intimate experience that challenges traditional social norms around nightlife. How do they do that, you ask? Well, with their Adaptogenic Tonic Bar.
Here, guests can savor a range of wellness options that have been mindfully curated to provide intentional end states, such as “energized,” “ready to mingle,” and “grounded.” Contrary to your typical speakeasy, which mostly emphasize alcohol, the Adaptogenic Tonic Bar not only promotes healthier socializing but also nourishes the body and nurtures the mind.
Through the bar Elahni is able to set itself apart from traditional wellness centers and bathhouses and instead introduce a unique offering where members are encouraged to meet and connect in an intimate environment.
Tan and Rizk stated:
Elahni goes beyond just a relax-and-recharge option, it’s a place where wellness and social life
Elahni is a whole body immersion, integrating mental, physical, and emotional disciplines. By ensuring the entire body is part of the experience, Tan and Rizk note that discomfort can’t find refuge in parts of the body outside of the ice.
Visitors will walk out with a rebalanced nervous system and, as in our experience, feel completely rejuvenated (and maybe even a bit tingly)!
You can learn more on their website or follow along with them on their Instagram.
📍 12 W 27th Street, Floor 2